This is the gable in the front of the house. The guy is putting in the framing for a fixed window. Notice the ridge beam is up and one side of the gable is framed. The bottom of the beam is 18.5 ft from the slab.
These pictures are in sequence so it appears they put up supports to hold up the beam then once other supports are in place, the temporary supports are removed and work continues.
Notice all the different angles in the roof.
Lots of supports still up for the walls but do you see any ladders?
They used the horizontal bracings for their ladders and they are so agile.
Front view.
Beginning to put on the roof over the front porch.
Still no East side on the gable yet.
Just an interesting picture with the streaked blue sky showing off the wood sculpture.
Roof on front porch complete and East side of gable complete.
Now they are extending the higher pitch on the roof which is where lots of discussion went on.(that I couldn't understand) and I am assuming it had to do with the connections of all the angles in the roof.
See the Octagon piece of wood that is supporting all the angles?
I have no idea how high this point was but there were two places like this where multiple angles came together. It may look rough here but by the time they were worked.
The clown of the crew. He loved having his picture taken and he wasn't a big guy and that nail gun wasn't light. Notice he is standing on the gable over the front door which is now finished.